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/ The PC-SIG Library 10 / The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso / PC_SIGCD / 07 / 5 / DISK0755.ZIP / LESSON11 < prev    next >
Text File  |  1990-03-23  |  4KB  |  53 lines

  1. "ga\mma/ahn","tonight","tw","","Ga\mma/ahn ne/ih heui ma?","Are you going tonight?"
  2. "ga\mji\ujo/u, ga\mji\u","this morning","tw","","Ga\mji\ujo/u ti\nhei ho/u ma?","Is the weather good this morning?"
  3. "ti\ngji\ujo/u, ti\ngji\u","tomorrow morning","tw","","Ti\ngji\ujo/ ne/ih la\ih ma?","Are you coming tomorrow morning?"
  4. "ya-tjahn ga-an, ya-tjahn, ya-tja/n","(in) a moment, (after) a short while","tw","","M\go\i ne/ih da/ng ngo/h ya-tyahnga-an.","Please wait for me a moment."
  5. "da-kha\ahn","free (not busy, having leisure time)","sv","","Ne/ih ti\ngyaht da-kha\ahn ma?","Will you be free tomorrow?"
  6. "m\da-kha\ahn","busy","sv","","Ne/ih yi\hga- m\da-kha\ahn a\h?","You are busy right now?!"
  7. "ha\ahng","walk; go, run, work (of watches, cars, machines)","fv","","Ngo/h m\ha\ahngda-k, ya\nwaih ngo/h taai guih.","I cannot walk (go?) because I am too tired."
  8. "ja/u","run; leave (depart)","fv","","Ngo/h do-u ja/u la.","I also leave."
  9. "ja/ula\ih","come","fv","","N\gh Si\nsa\ang ja/ula\ih a\h!","Mr. Wu is coming?!"
  10. "ja/uheui","go","fv","","Ngo/h m\ji\ ke/uih ja/uheui bi-nsyu.","I do not know where he is going"
  11. "ja/uhla\ih ja/uheui","run back and forth","ph","","",""
  12. "jyuh","stay (longer time--at least one night); live","fv","","Ke/uih jyuhha/i bi-nsyu a?","Where is he staying [or living]?"
  13. "ke/ih","stand","fv","","Ngo/h ke/ihha/i ni-douh da/ng ya-tgo pa\hngya/uh.","I am standing here waiting for a friend."
  14. "so/si\h","key","n","ti\uh; cha\u (bunch)","Ne/ih ya/uh go/ga\an fo/ngge so/si\h ma?","Do you have the key to that room?"
  15. "ho/u","should, may (advisable)","av","","Ngo/h ho/u heui ma?","Should I go?"
  16. "m\ho/u","better not, do not (imperative); should not","av","","Haih m\haih m\ho/u heui a?","Would it be better for her to go or not?"
  17. "ga/m","in this (or that) way; in that case; then... well, ....","a","","Ga/m, ke/uih ne-?  Ke/uih heui m\heui a?","Then how about him; well, will he go or not?"
  18. "yauh","again","a","","Ne/ih ti\ngyaht yauh heui a\h?","You will go again tomorrow!?"
  19. "ya-tdihng","definitely, certainly, surely","a","","Nei/h haih m\haih ya-tdihng heui a?","Are you definitely going?"
  20. "=ga/n","particle to indicate continuous action","p","","Ke/uih jouhga/n ma-tye/h a?","What is he doing (continuously)?"
  21. "la-","particle final, indicating mild commands, requests, persuasions, suggestions, or final agreement","p","","Ga/m, ngo/h do-u heui la-!","In that case, I also will go!"
  22. "wa/i!, we/i!","Hello!  (on telephone)","p","","Wa/i!  Ne/ih haih bi-nwa/i a?","Hello!  Who are you?"
  23. "wai","hello","p","","",""
  24. "Ya/uh ma-t ji/gaau a?","What can I do for you?  //or // What instructions do you have for me?","x","","",""
  25. "M\ga/mdo\ng!","You flatter me?  (Lit.:  I am not entitled to....)","x","","",""
  26. "Mo/uhge/ino/i","After a while; not very long","x","","",""
  27. "M\go\i ne/ih da/ngha/h.","Please wait a minute.","x","","",""
  28. "Ya/uhdi- ye/h","something, some things","x","","",""
  29. "Ha\ahngla\ih ha\ahngheui","Walk back and forth","x","","",""
  30. "Che/ng yahpla\ih cho/h ya-tjahnga-an la-!","Please come in and sit down a while.","x","","",""
  31. "Che/ng se/uhngla\ih la\uhseuhng cho/h, ho/u ma?","Please come upstairs and have a seat, all right?","x","","",""
  32. "Ne/ih cho/hha/i go/syu jou ma-tye/h a?","Why are you sitting there?","x","","",""
  33. "Wo\hng Si\nsa\ang ha/isyu jouhga/n ma-tye/h a?  Wo\hng Si\nsa\ang ha/isyu gaauga/n syu\.","What is Mr. Wang doing there?  Mr. Wang is teaching.","x","","",""
  34. "Si\nsa\ang yahpga/nla\ih la; m\ho/u go/ngsyutwah la!","The teacher is coming in now.  Do not talk any more!","x","","",""
  35. "Ha/i He\unggo/ng la\ih ge fe\ige\i yi\hga- lohkga/nla\ih la!","The plane which comes from Hong Kong is landing now!","x","","",""
  36. "se/uhngla\ih","come up","x","","",""
  37. "lohkla\ih","come down","x","","",""
  38. "yahpla\ih","come in","x","","",""
  39. "che-utla\ih","come out","x","","",""
  40. "fa\anla\ih","come back","x","","",""
  41. "ha\ahngla\ih","come (by walking)","x","","",""
  42. "ja/ula\ih","come (by running)","x","","",""
  43. "se/uhngheui","go up","x","","",""
  44. "lohkheui","go down","x","","",""
  45. "yahpheui","go in","x","","",""
  46. "che-utheui","go out","x","","",""
  47. "fa\anheui","go back","x","","",""
  48. "ha\ahngheui","go (by walking)","x","","",""
  49. "ja/uheui","go (by running)","x","","",""
  50. "cho/hha/i yi/syu","sit on the chair","x","","",""
  51. "ke/iha/i pouta/u chi\hnbihn","stand in front of the store","x","","",""
  52. "Ga/m, ngo/h do-u ti\ngyaht heui la-!","Well, I will also go tomorrow.","x","","",""